Friday, January 30, 2009
post-misteri jam 12.

Posted by Eanna at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Night Shift [Day 2]
2nd nite was average buzy.
but still. i dun like it. hmph.
had two admission plus many callbells!
ouhh.. please get on wif my 3rd nite smoothly n PEACEFULLY.
i cant for my long day off next week!!
ps: i wanna spent time wif bf lah. *xoxo*
Posted by Eanna at 12:46 PM 0 comments
*big smile* :D
Posted by Eanna at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Gilera Runner 180 Sp
Price : SGD$1,800
Engine size : 201 - 400cc
Starter : electric
Year of manufacture : 2001
Condition : Used
Availability : Available
Price : On Request
Engine size : Below 200cc
Starter : electric and kick
Year of manufacture : 2008
Technical Specifications
Engine Type : Air-cooled 4-stroke, single cylinder, SOHC
Displacement : 113.7cc
Max. Power Output : 5.8 kW @ 8,000rpm
Max. Torque : 7.4 Nm @ 6,500rpm
Fuel Tank Capacity : 4.1 litres
Transmission Type : Automatic, V-belt
Dry Weight : 91kg
Posted by Eanna at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Night Shift [Day 1]
Had a smooth night.
Total patient is 7.
Admitted 1 patient.
still. its okay.
if all the days were jus like this.
i'll be in heaven. ("
Doing my 6am para soon.
2 more days to go..
Posted by Eanna at 12:47 PM 0 comments
What's up next?
Here are my list that needs to be done.
1. Renew my PDL
2. Book my practical.
3. Sell my Sony Ericsson to my uncle.
4. Buying Nokia ??? Hp.
5. Going Facial.
6. Treatment hair.
7. Mom's birthday gift.
8. Jeans or Pants
9. Lots of Tops.
10. DIET!! (:
Posted by Eanna at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Once upon a time..
The stories we tell are the stuff of dreams.
Fairy tales don't come true.
We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood.
The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss.
Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after.
Fairy tales.
The stuff of dreams.
the problem is, fairy tales don't come true.
It's the other side of the stories.
The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable.
The nightmares always seem to become the reality.
Sometimes it's not good to have expectations.
With expectations comes hope, with hope comes failure.
With failure comes disappointment.
And when you're disappointed, you either end up blaming yourself or your patner for not being able to make things right or to see it coming.
And in the end, you get hurt.
Posted by Eanna at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
listening : Misteri Jam 12
recently.. hmm... NOTHING SPECIAL.
had only 1 freaking day off for last week so had to werk the whole week after dat.
ISK! so tired. :
but it worth the day after my shift. (: went out wif Bf.
its been a long time i went arab street for sheesha so he did fulfilled it.
thx bf.!! had much fun.
went back home and get pissed. BRRhh!!
my aunts and my mom were sleeping in my room. HMPH.
they've taken the pillows , blanket , tilam n everything.
left wif me and the floor. Tsk.
slept at living room feeling so cold and so UNCOMFORTABLE.
Sunday = Biase jugak. FAMILY DAY.
ehem. Brrh. (:
i hate working on Monday.
its always been buzy on Monday.
maybe dats why people used the term "MONDAY BLUES"
i really had a hell of admissions. all the freaking lodgers..
so i didnt even get to go for my break. heh. diet lah konon. (:
the irritating part is the STUPID aunty who werk at the 7eleven was so freaking dumb! i left wif only 10 bucks to survive so i've decided to top up my ezlink for 5 bucks n tot i could buy some food with the left over pocket money BUT she did top up all of tat 10 bucks! such an asshole. *roll eyes*
Posted by Eanna at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
passed. :)
It's worth the study at ecp after work with BF. (:
Thx B for the tips!!
So.. i did studied only the day before my test.
YaYa.. Bf having the face (Cfm i fail again) after he gets to noe the last minute study i had. *BrRrhh*
I was all nervous n stress out. Mind went blank bLang BLerKz!!
Bf was dere comforting me and so i had a kiss from him before i went to the test room. *teehee*
Sat in front of the screen n chant everything that i knew and what Bf taught me.
i put away the feeling of fear n just do my best.
The bad news was only a few questions was related with what i studied. The rest was like WHATTHEFUCK!! 0_o
Having to review back what i've answered, so i decided to press *End Test*
i was all prepared to see FAILED on that screen but i saw PASSEd instead. *YEAAH*
So what's next??
Gonna do my pdL n continue my practical!!
Hopefully i will pass A.S.A.P
ps : Bf!! thx for the tips u told me n comforting me thru out my test.
Much appreciated.
Biler nk enroll?? (:
i love u, very much.
Posted by Eanna at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Life's a bitch ladies. The problem with us is that we care too much. We love too much. We fight so hard. We hope so much and in the end we are the ones that get hurt. All we have to do is just learn. We learn to adapt. We learn to be versatile. We learn to be strong. We learn not to stumble. We learn to stand up on our own two feet. We learn that we are independant. We learn that not everything can be fixed. We also learn that somethings are meant to stay broken. We learn to mend our own hearts and we learn how to protect it from harm. We learn to listen to our heads and not our hearts. Because it is our heads that is full of logic whereas our hearts are ruled by emotions and is known to be reckless.
Posted by Eanna at 9:49 AM 0 comments
My dayOff was unplanned. Met bf after Friday's prayer n jus slack sumwhere. *BrrRh* So.. i took some pictures. UPLOADEd!
Bf need to be back home early. As usual......... dun wanna mention it. *roll eyes*
Here me now at home.. MOOD : pissed.Boring. 0_o
Posted by Eanna at 5:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
2nd Night.
Finish up stuff that suppose to be done.
Now im bloogin in peacefully and hopefully it will continue to be like this till the end of my shift.
And!! not forget my 3rd nite too.. * crossing finger.
1st nite was really busy! really!
get fed up up wif this lau apek n nyonya. *showing middle finger*
wats wrong wif ur ***** cant stop peeing??!!
stop drinking la APEK!! u pee too much!!
OVERALL : im still afraid doing night shift. ghost? ABOHDEn!!
ps: i miss bf. heh.
Posted by Eanna at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Kanak-kanak riang @ threeoneone
Kanak-kanak riang pt2 was the best video taken. Aren had the most expression and space. Ayesha had the most crazy dialogs. Syikin was trying to fit in the video despite aren n ayesha keep moving their big head.*laughing* Azri was like all mute. Me.. with the big eyes n far apart eyebrows. Its was crazy n hilarious.
Posted by Eanna at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Been missing the girls. [ Ayesha , Nadia , Farina , Fana , Syikin ]
I miss....
when we get to slack at threeoneone everyday @ 8pm till morning.
the gossip we had.
the game we played. truth or dare. taitee. love game. R.O.C.K rock!!
sharing ghost stories with them until we were scared to go back home.
the time we went to club where everyone get their belangkas.
the lies we had to the boys. (: SLurp!!
going recce. we'll be holding each other so tight n close. ayesha will alwaes be pissed wif me. haha! aren will be the noisy one. nana will be wif nad all the way. syikin will be right behind. khai will be the last person n whenever we turn back quickly, khai is still the last person. hah!!
the karaoke session we had.
the 2dollar burger we ate everyday.
riding the bike with ayesha n aren.
the macrichie moments. we were stuck in the forest for like 4-5 hours.
getting in trouble. SAMAN!! 200 bucks each while waiting for ayesha @ simei mrt.
the picnic we had at eastcoast.
the song we sang. "no one" for suhairi "clumsy" for nana "AYO" for me. *hee
the time in attachment. alot of fun esp @ IMH.
Those times were really treasured. *one minute of silence* 0_o
If only i could turn back time..............
Posted by Eanna at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Everyone having own plans.
And me? On annual leave. On Saturday nite..
Im stuck at home , nothing to do AND im fucking hungry.
No one cares espcially BF. urgHh!!
Had arguments.
i got jealous with the things he does.
He gets to ride and he had great siblings plus cousins.
i got really pissed after he told me that his cousin called him "kepala nonok"
WTF!! He is my fucking BOYFRIEND.
Is it so fucking wrong to spend my time with him??
He tried to pleased me n his cousin(S) by dividing his time.
OUHh WATever... now, you can spent all the time you want with them cause i dont give a FUCK.
Posted by Eanna at 9:17 AM 0 comments